The Ashurst Academy of Irish Dance, directed by former leads of Riverdance & Lord of the Dance, is thrilled to put on a high energy performance this holiday season at Aquila’s Nest Vineyards!
With high kicks and unified timing – they rival the Rockettes. The dancers will display an arrangement of traditional light and heavy shoe numbers with a few holiday twists.
Please arrive by 6pm to get seated and settled with your drinks. The performance will start at 7pm and go on for 30min, after which you can mingle with the dancers and organizers.
Wine is not included in the ticket. A drink purchase of minimum $10 plus tax and gratuity per adult participant is required to attend this event and can be made at the vineyard prior to the start of the event, after our staff checks your ID.
Outside Alcohol Beverages, Water Bottles or Any Other Beverages are NOT allowed to be brought in the premises of the vineyard. This is a restriction of our Farm Winery Permit. Our staff reserves the right to check bags and coolers.
This ticket is non-refundable.