On Wednesday September 6th, Speaking of Women will occur starting with registration at 11AM and the program to begin at noon.

Our host, Chanel Miller, a survivor, artist + author will speak of her experiences & of her NY Times bestselling memoir “Know My Name”.

Chanel Miller’s memoir overview:

Her name is Chanel Miller.

For four years, she has been known publicly as Emily Doe, “an unconscious woman” or simply “Brock Turner’s victim.” In her memoir Know My Name, she wants to set the record straight: “I am a victim, I have no qualms with this word, only with the idea that it is all that I am,” she writes. “However, I am not Brock Turner’s victim. I am not his anything.”

In 2015, Miller was sexually assaulted by Turner on Stanford University’s campus. Two Swedish graduate students were passing by on bikes and chased Turner off an unconscious Miller. Turner was convicted of three felonies but served only three months of a six-month sentence in county jail. The case became notorious for its illustration of the race and wealth gap in sentencing, and for the stinging eloquence of Miller’s victim statement, which went instantly viral when it was published by BuzzFeed.

Know My Name is a devastating, immersive memoir of her sexual assault and its aftermath. We live with Miller minute by minute, thinking and feeling with her. At points, particularly during the account of her testimony, it is hard to read it and breathe at the same time

– Taken from NPR

About Connect Fairfield :

Debbi O’Keefe is a relationship builder. As founder of ConnectFairfield, she brings 25 years of experience planning and coordinating events with communities, businesses, social organizations, entertainment venues and educational institutions.

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