Every Saturday from 9am until 1pm, local vendors from all around CT, gather to sell 203locals the freshest foods + beautiful crafts! Starting from June 17th up until October 7th, you can find great produce + live music at St. Ann’s field in Black Rock.

Find fun activities like Family Yoga and pair it with a delicious, fresh smoothie! There are handmade bath products, dog treats and even local seafood options!

The food vendors are as follows:

Hungry Reaper Farm

Beckett Farms

Oronoque Farms

Fairfield Bread Company

Yellow King Brews

EP Food Truck


The crafts and artisan vendors are as follows:

Kate Stephens Jewelry

Short Bus Bicycles

Tables Devore

Femme Fable Jewelry

Art Attack

Blue Lotus Bracelets

Don’t miss out on a lovely local market with live music! Stop by for the freshest goods around.

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Find more information on blackrockct.com

Photo Courtesy of the Black Rock Farmer’s Market