Taught by international sketch comedy award winners Chris O’Neill and Paul Valenti of “The Chris and Paul Show,” this is a 3-hour physical comedy workshop for performers of any skill level – from beginner to expert.
Prepare to explore the world of improv and sketch while being pushed to take greater risks in your acting. Classes focus on physicality, building an environment, trusting your fellow scene partner, self-editing, embracing silence, character creation, taking big chances and overcoming a fear of failure.
Chris and Paul will equip you with the tools to think outside of the box in the world of improv, clowning, sketch and beyond.
This Sunday, September 17th from 1:00- 4:00PM join us for a wild day of comedic relief + learning how to do it yourself!
About the Chris and Paul Show:
The Chris and Paul Show is an American sketch comedy duo composed of Chris O’Neill and Paul Valenti. They are known for their vaudeville-inspired physical comedy, which consists of largely pantomimed scenes with minimal or no dialogue. Throughout the years they’ve honed the uncanny ability to take seemingly predictable situations and attack audiences with such twists that people are left in shock after their signature surprise