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What’s The Best Place to Learn About CBD?

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photo courtesy of The CBD Curators


We all know what became legal today, but do you know how to properly use it as medication!?

The customer reviews say it best:

“I have never felt inclined to write a review about any product of any kind in my life. Until now. I have tried just about everything out there to combat the intense overall body pain and migraines that I have been living with for over 30 years. 

With a career in football, my body had taken an incredible amount of abuse and injury and years later I was left with pain just about everywhere in my body.  In addition, five years ago, kidney stones caused a massive infection which developed into two life threatening bouts with sepsis.  The post-sepsis pain together with the existing pain was unbearable at times.  I felt like I was thirty years older than I actually am.  I was becoming less and less mobile.   

Having tried just about everything – numerous doctors, prescriptions, natural remedies and physical therapy, I was resigned to the fact that I would be in intense pain for the rest of my life.  Over-the-counter medicines were destroying my health because I had to take so many of them just to function.

At one point I tried CBD with no results and I wrote it off as yet another failed treatment.  My life changed when I was introduced to the team at CBD Curators.   After going through a brief introduction and history with the staff, I learned that CBD has many forms and varying strengths.  Like anything, there are products that work and products that don’t. Much of the CBD out there is worthless and ineffective.

The team at CBD Curators recommended one of their products to try.   Within days my life changed.  My overall pain had subsided dramatically and my migraines were diminished significantly.  They listened to my issues and came up with a plan.   I am happy to say, that after being on their full spectrum CBD soft gels I am nearly pain free.  

I can’t tell you what this has meant to me.  I have not felt this good in many, many years. I am so grateful to the knowledgeable team at CBD Curators. I finally have my life back.  I know there’s something out there that actually, honestly, WORKS.”

— Dewey, body pain & migraines

“CBD has indeed changed my life! I’ve been a medical marijuana patient for about two years now for generalized anxiety disorder and major depression.

Recently, my dispensary ran out of my CBD flower, didn’t know when it was coming back in stock, and didn’t have any alternatives that would benefit me in the way I desperately needed. My marijuana doctor recommended CBD curators and told me the products are excellent, top notch quality—one of the only shops that he trusts to be legitimate.

I took his advice and I’m so glad I did! Rob is amazing—such an inspiration and not only extremely knowledgeable about his products (that he vets and sources himself) but also very passionate about his cause.

The shop is beautiful; very welcoming and calming. I’m currently using CBD calm and THC delta 8 tinctures and I couldn’t be happier! They work beautifully and are less expensive than other products that are not as potent. If you are curious about the benefits of medical marijuana, you owe it to yourself to stop in this shop!”

From owner, Rob MacArthur:

My name is Rob MacArthur.  In 2018, I wandered into a CBD store knowing very little about it.  Could CBD help my 35 years chronic pain?  This started my quest to understand CBD products and how to use them.  At first, it was annoying that some brands worked, but most didn’t.  There are a lot of weak or borderline fake products on the market. There are few dosing guidelines in the industry. 

Soon I learned CBD is not only good for pain, but anxiety, and sleep.  It was then that I believed opening a store would help other people learn about CBD. So I spent a year vetting products, visiting suppliers and farmers.  New brands, new products, and changing prices–It’s a lot to learn.  We opened March 1st, 2020.  The CBD Curators store is built around educating the consumer.  

I’ve done the work of finding great products at great prices for you.  The brands I carry are the tip of the iceberg compared to the dozens of brands I tried.  Did you know CBD dosing goes partially by weight? There are a lot of deceptive brands starting to flood the market.  

I am, perhaps, uniquely qualified to pick brands that works due to the ailments I’ve struggled with.  I’ve had several lower back surgeries over 35 years and was on opiates for 3 years before I found CBD. CBD dramatically reduced the pain and reduced my withdrawal symptoms from opiates. No amount of stretching could address the pain from chronic muscle spasm.  I learned CBD has muscle relaxation properties allowing me to exercise.

I also have depression, anxiety, and ADHD.  CBD has improved my depression and improved my focus.  I have PTSD related to childhood trauma.  CBD has improved my sleep by reducing the intensity of recurring dreams.  

CBD has allowed me to stop taking several pharmaceuticals, some for decades.  That is not something anyone in physical or mental pain does lightly.  To escape the healthcare industry has been such a Godsend because using CBD means I don’t have to deal with co-pays, refills, egregious insurance, doctor visits, withdrawal, as well as taking copious amounts of Advil, Tylenol, and stood-softeners. 

Learning how to find the best CBD products is an art and science. It is in my nature to research everything.  I am continually on the hunt for new products for my customers.  Let me worry about finding the best products while you learn how to use them.  There are over 115 cannabinoids in the hemp plant.  Join us on this journey of discovery.

Pain hurts, but healing should be optional.

Here is a special video for people and professionals in Recovery

Prior to starting The CBD Curators, I spent 25 years in the investment industry.  I provided investigative research to hedge funds.  I am an expert in retail. 

Author: Admin